Panthers drop both games to Altoona

Panthers drop both games to Altoona

BRADFORD, Pa. – The Pitt-Bradford softball team came up empty against Penn State Altoona as the Lions get the sweep against the Panthers, 7-3 and 6-0.

Altoona started out the first game getting on top of the Panthers in the top of the second inning as they posted three runs. A sac fly led to the Lions getting two runs after a wild throw allowed the second run to score from second base. The Lions put one more up in the inning after a line drive up the middle made the score 3-0.

The Lions put one more up in the third after a dropped fly ball extended the inning for Altoona as they capitalized on the Panthers' mistake. A ground ball found its way through the infield to bring home a runner as the Lions pushed their lead to 4-0.

The Panthers would strike back in the bottom of the third as junior Meagan Hillard (Bradford/Bradford) got things going with a double followed by a senior Bri Stenta (Ridgway/Ridgway) RBI triple. After senior Ang Comilla (Bradford/Bradford) walked Stenta and Comilla both came home after a line drive single by junior Leann Bell (Lance/West Branch) to cut the Altoona lead down to 4-3.

Altoona put up two more in the fourth after a Clarissa Keller two-run home run and one more in the fifth after an RBI double to take a 7-3 lead late in the game.

The Panthers bats cooled off as they failed to start a comeback and fell to Penn State Altoona in game one, 7-3.

The second game started off with Altoona on top again as they posted a three-run first inning highlighted by a Kelly Chambers two-run home run to put the Lions on top early.

Pitt-Bradford could not seem to get the bats working in game two as they only posted two hits throughout the course of the game and failed to score any runs.

Altoona put up two more runs in the third inning off of a series of hits and then one more in the seventh as that was enough to put away the Panthers in game two.

Pitt-Bradford head coach Tina Phillips said, "It was better for us; but still not enough to win yet. We got better in areas we have been focusing on. We are looking to get back to winning tomorrow.

The Panthers will take the field again on April 12 as they host D'Youville at 1 p.m.